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TRL Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DKP)
  • TRL Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DKP)
  • TRL Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DKP)

TRL Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DKP)

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TRL Dynamic Cone Penetrometer is supplied with the following:

  • Penetration rammer set
  • Penetration rod
  • Conical tip, 600, 2 pieces
  • Metal plate for securing the ruler
  • Adapter, 70 mm, for extension rods
  • Upper extension rod
  • Lower extension rod
  • Open-end wrench, 13 and 17 mm
  • Allen wrench, 3 mm
  • Wrench handle
  • Adhesive, one bottle, 10cc
  • User manual
  • Steel ruler
  • Carrying case, wooden



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Dimensions 1200x350x200mm
Weight (approximately) 30 kg

UTS-0095 TRL Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) is used to quickly determine the structural characteristics of road base and sub-base applications without using binder materials. The design of the device is similar to the DCP described by Kleyn, Maree, and Savage (1982). It works by dropping an 8 kg rammer from a height of 575 mm onto a 60° conical tip. Standard DCP measurements can be made up to a depth of 850 mm, and if necessary, this measurement depth can be extended up to 2 meters with an extension rod. The reading is taken after a certain number of blows, depending on the type of soil being tested. A typical test can be completed in a few minutes. As a result, the information that would normally be obtained by drilling a test hole can be acquired more quickly and safely by using the DCP. It allows for more measurements and data collection in the field. Penetration rammer set; It consists of an 8 kg hammer, hammer guide, anvil (with a plastic ruler securing plate), and a plastic handle.

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